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Our Procedures


Guide to Thermage

Thermage, a non-surgical procedure, is designed to restore the youthfulness in your face. This advanced technique uses radio frequency energy to heat and activate the collagen in the skin, resulting in a tighter, fresher, rejuvenated appearance.

Restoring a Youthful Appearance:

Thermage strengthens the collagen in the skin without surgery and reverses the signs of aging by:

  • - Tightening the skin
  • - Lifting the eyebrows
  • - Tightening loose skin around the chin, jaw and neck
  • - Softening the appearance of scarring caused by acne
  • - Softening deep forehead creases and laugh lines


If you are considering thermage to restore a youthful appearance, there are a few things you should keep in mind, including:

Thermage is not a Substitute for a Facelift:

While thermage has proven to be an effective way of enhancing one�s appearance, individuals considering the procedure should keep in mind that it is not a surgical procedure and should not be considered a comparable alternative to a facelift. While some individuals display dramatic results following a thermage treatment, others may not experience any signs of improvement at all. Because it is not a surgical procedure, the results are not as prominent as those of a facelift.

Before deciding whether thermage is right for you, it is a good idea to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon. A skilled, experienced plastic surgeon will be able to help you make the right decision based on your aesthetic goals.

Who Will Benefit From Thermage?

Thermage was designed for individuals experiencing slight sagginess of the skin and early signs of aging. The procedure is also beneficial for individuals who would like to decrease visibility of mild active acne or scarring. Patients who are showing more advanced aging signs should consult an experienced plastic surgeon about their options as thermage may not produce the best results.

To ensure the best possible results, you may also want to speak with your plastic surgeon about undergoing other cosmetic procedures in conjunction with a thermage treatment. For instance, chin augmentationeye lift or laser hair removal on the upper lip area.

Anesthesia, Location and Time:

Thermage is an out patient procedure that is performed under local anesthesia, and is usually performed in your plastic surgeon�s office. Before the procedure begins, your plastic surgeon will administer oral pain medication to reduce discomfort and pain. He or she will then inject local anesthesia (a numbing agent) into different areas of the face where the thermage treatment will be applied.

The machine used in the procedure uses radio frequency energy pulses to awaken and tighten the collagen in the face. The procedure itself typically takes anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half, and the initial preparation time can take up to 45 minutes. The entire procedure should take around two hours. Once the procedure is complete, you will be able to go home immediately. However, you should arrange a ride as the pain medication may alter your reaction time.

Thermage Recovery:

Individuals who undergo a thermage treatment typically experience mild to moderate redness and swelling for the first week following the procedure. Although it is rare, some patients may experience mild swelling for a longer period of time.

Thermage Risks & Complications:

It is important to keep in mind that, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks associated with thermage treatments. However, the likeliness of experiencing a thermage complication is heavily reduced in patients who follow pre and post-procedure instructions provided by their plastic surgeon.

  • Burns: Some patients experience burns, blistering and permanent scarring following a thermage procedure.
  • Skin discoloration: While it is possible to experience slight discoloration following a skin procedure, this is not a typical side effect associated with thermage.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Although pain is not typically associated with thermage procedures, some patients have complained of prolonged discomfort, soreness and burning of the skin for days, weeks and even months following the procedure.


If you experience severe discomfort or any other adverse side effects after a thermage treatment, it is important to notify your doctor so he/she can check for infection and/ or an allergic reaction to the treatment.