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Our Procedures

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Endoscopic brow lifts use a less invasive technique than traditional brow lifts to create a more youthful appearance; endoscopic brow lifts use endoscopes to guide the surgeon's movements, allowing for smaller incisions and faster healing.

An endoscopic brow lift can be especially attractive to those candidates with insufficient hair to conceal scarring. Because an endoscopic brow lift requires such small incisions, many patients may be attracted to this less invasive procedure; endoscopic brow lifts have reduced risks of side effects associated with surgical wounds, such as infection. During an endoscopic brow lift consultation, the doctor will review the same information as for a traditional brow lift. The endoscopic brow lift candidate should be prepared to answer questions about medical history and expectations for results of endoscopic brow lift surgery. If the individual is a good candidate, a date will be set for the endoscopic brow lift during the consultation. This procedure is an ambulatory surgery, with the patient arriving for their endoscopic brow lift and returning home immediately following recovery. In most cases, the endoscopic brow lift is conducted with the patient under IV sedation or general anesthetic, so before your endoscopic brow lift, you should arrange a ride home, as you will be unable to drive. During the endoscopic brow lift, the doctor will make small incisions (between one and five) just behind the hairline. The endoscopic brow lift utilizes a tiny camera and light, so the doctor may observe the progress of the endoscopic brow lift procedure on a video monitor. In other ways, there are few differences between an endoscopic brow lift surgery and a traditional brow lift. You will need to return in the days following the endoscopic brow lift for the doctor to monitor healing, and to have the sutures removed. Follow-up for endoscopic brow lifts usually requires a series of appointments over the course of one to three months; most endoscopic brow lift patients return to work within a week of their procedure, and results are noticeable immediately.

Endoscopic brow lift information is available from a variety of sources, although a doctor familiar with endoscopic brow lift surgery may be able to provide you with detailed information specific to your situation. Contacting an endoscopic brow lift surgeon may help you to decide if this surgery is appropriate for you.