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Acne is one of the most common diseases treated by physicians. Affecting over 85 percent of adolescents and young adults, acne also occurs during adult years.

Blackheads are also known as open comedones, or follicles that have a wider than normal opening. Caused by oil in your skin that gets caught and expands in the pores, exposure to the air causes oxidation of melanin to give the material in the follicle the black color.

Blackheads can occur regardless of skin type. The key to successfully treating blackheads is to have a consistent skin care regimen. By stopping blackheads from happening before it ever starts, consumers can use noncomedogenic, oil-free, water-based skincare products can prevent pores from clogging.

Noncomedogenic products were laboratory tested and FDA approved for the prevention of clogged pores causing blackheads. Over-the-counter products are available for the treatment of blackheads, but a dermatologist will be able to assess your blackheads and advise you of effective skin care routines and treatments.

It can take weeks to months before a noticeable change in blackhead prevention and treatment is seen after beginning a new skincare routine. Some people will have blackheads that are more resistant to treatment and may require a more rigorous skincare plan if results are not satisfactory.

Topical prescriptions can significantly improve blackheads. As with all drugs and medications, there are both benefits and side effects that must be weighed with a medical professional before consideration. Should topical treatments prove to be ineffective, antibiotics could be considered.

Sitting in a steam room or having your face steamed by a professional can help open up the pores so that the blackheads can be released. Blackheads can also be extracted but must be done by a professional.