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Dog Bite Prevention
Every year more than four million people in the United States are bitten by dogs. Approximately 44,000 require emergency room treatment for facial injuries sustained as the result of a dog bite and at least a dozen people die. As astonishing as these statistics are, the numbers are underestimated. The reality is that countless more dog bites go unreported each year. Fortunately, there are dog bite prevention strategies that can help reduce risks and lower these numbers.
Some Do's and Don'ts of Dog Bite Prevention
Dog bite prevention is key to reducing the number of injuries suffered by victims every year. The following are some do's and don'ts of dog bite prevention:
Do's of Dog Bite Prevention
- Spay or neuter your dog
- Train your dog
- Teach your dog appropriate behavior
- Socialize your dog
- Be a responsible dog owner
- Be on the lookout for potentially dangerous situations
- Remain calm if threatened by a dog
- Avoid eye contact with a strange dog
Don'ts of Dog Bite Prevention
Hold your face near a dog
Allow your dog to roam unleashed
Approach a strange dog
Startle or tease a dog
Disturb a dog that is eating, sleeping, or nursing
Turn away or run if you are threatened by a dog
Leave a child alone with a dog
Ignore warning signs of aggressive behavior
Forget to license and vaccinate your dog
Children and Dog Bite Prevention
An estimated half of all dog bite victims every year are under the age of 13. Moreover, children have a much greater chance "“ approximately threefold "“ of sustaining serious injury from a dog bite. The following are a few tips for dog bite prevention in children :
Have your child ask permission before petting a strange dog.
Show your child how properly to approach a dog.
Teach your child how to spot an aggressive, frightened, or angry dog.
Encourage your child to report unusual dog behavior to an adult.
loved ones are safe in the presence of any dog "“ strange or familiar.