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Our Procedures
Breast Augmentation
7 ways to minimize pain and discomfort you may feel after the procedure
As with any surgery, you may feel pain and discomfort with this procedure.
So I have listed the most effective ways of dealing with it here;
1. Consider using a pain pump, which delivers a controlled amount of numbing agent regularly
throughout the day, for the first 3 days.
2. Use exparel which lasts for 5 days. Administered by your surgeon.
3. Lower level pain killers over-the-counter : tylenol or advil
4. Ice packs are a great way of reducing swelling and managing pain after breast implant surgery. Using ice packs on the affected area for 15-20 minutes each time. Do this a number of times during the day
4. Do not use wired bras.
5. Use a compression bra for 2 weeks after the operation. Reduces swelling.
6. Do no strenuous activities, such as high-intensity gym workouts. In particular, for your first 3 days of recovery, avoid bending down or doing any type of exertion at all.
Breast augmentation is an increasingly popular surgery, with an estimated 1% of all American women choosing to undertake this procedure. While breast augmentation can bolster confidence and happiness, it can also be a painful procedure that comes with a handful of risks. If you are considering adjusting your breast size or shape with the aid of a surgeon, ensure you are aware of everything involved in the process.
What is breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation surgery is a surgical procedure in which fatty tissue or external implants are placed between the chest and breast tissue, enlarging or reshaping the breasts. While this operation is usually considered cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation may also be administered on medical grounds, such as in the aftermath of an essential mastectomy.

"Breast implant surgery has never been safer, because the implant technology has improved and leak rates are lower than ever. In addition, surgical complications are lower as well, thanks to new techniques and strategies. "
Types of breast augmentation surgery
Any decision to undertake breast enlargement begins with a consultation with a surgeon, who will explain the procedure in detail. At this point, you will need to make a very significant decision – whether to undertake silicon or saline implantation.
- Saline breast implants are filled with sterilized salt water. This is widely considered the safer approach, as if the implant is to burst within your breast, the salinity will be absorbed by your body and passed through urine.
- Silicon breast implants involve the placement of silicon gel between the chest and breast tissue. While this can lead to firmer breasts and may last longer, if the implant bursts or breaks it can lead to health concerns. Silicon breast implants will require regular assessment from a cosmetic surgery professional.
There is a potential third option in the form of fat transfer breast augmentation. This is a form of liposuction, in which fat is removed from another part of the body and transferred to the breasts. Naturally, this means that a size increase is considerably more limited if you opt for fat transfer breast augmentation.
Preparing for breast augmentation surgery
As part of the consultation process ahead of breast augmentation, your surgeon will discuss some lifestyle changes you may need to make to prepare for a successful operation. These can include:
- Eating healthily and exercising regularly to minimize body fat and promote heart and muscle health.
- Ceasing smoking or vaping for at least four weeks before the procedure.
- Taking care of your body and general health, ensuring you are not exposed to any potential viral infection.
- Making preparations to have a support network that will run errands and handle any chores you may be expected to run for up to a week.

What happens during breast augmentation surgery?
A breast augmentation operation involves three steps.
- An incision will be made at the bottom of each breast using a scalpel.
- Implants or fatty tissue will be placed between your existing breast tissue and chest muscles.
- The incisions will be cleaned, closed, and stitched.
Most breast augmentation surgeries are completed within 90 minutes – sometimes as quickly as an hour, depending on the complexity of the procedure.
Recovering from breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation is considered major surgery, so a recovery period of at least a week must be set aside following the operation. As we will discuss shortly, you are likely to experience at least some level of pain and discomfort.
While breast augmentation can be completed on an inpatient basis under local anesthetic, most clients prefer to elect for general anesthesia. This means that it’s likely that you will need to stay in a hospital overnight to ensure you do not experience any side effects.
Risks and potential complications of breast augmentation surgery
There is no such thing as wholly risk-free surgery, but breast augmentation is widely considered a safe and straightforward procedure. Some of the common hazards and complications that can arise following this operation include:
- Scarification at the point of incison.
- Damage to the nerves.
- Rupturing or bursting of the implant.
- Excessive tenderness or hardness in the breasts.
If you experience any side effects that could be considered a medical emergency following breast augmentation, such as shortness of breath, excessive nausea, or signs of infection in the breasts, consult a medical professional post-haste.
Example costs for breast augmentation
Breast augmentations with implants cost less.
Many clinics offer Fat transfer and hybrid procedures and liposuction with breast augmentation which is more expensive.
Prices vary from state to state and a few calls to clinics in your bordering states will show the best value. However, you will have to factor in the cost of travel to get a true overall cost.

Risks and potential complications of breast augmentation surgery
There is no such thing as wholly risk-free surgery, but breast augmentation is widely considered a safe and straightforward procedure. Some of the common hazards and complications that can arise following this operation include:
- Scarification at the point of incison.
- Damage to the nerves.
- Rupturing or bursting of the implant.
- Excessive tenderness or hardness in the breasts.
If you experience any side effects that could be considered a medical emergency following breast augmentation, such as shortness of breath, excessive nausea, or signs of infection in the breasts, consult a medical professional post-haste.
Managing the pain of breast augmentation surgery
Pain and discomfort in the immediate aftermath of breast augmentation surgery is common, and you must be prepared for this. Thankfully, this can be managed through appropriate care and lifestyle adjustments.
Pain killing medication
The first three days following your operation will be the most painful. Do not lose sight of the fact that breast augmentation is a surgical procedure, and you'll need to take it easy afterward. Many surgeons will recommend the use of a 'pain pump' in the 72 hours that immediately follow breast augmentation. This is a small balloon that slowly and steadily releases a numbing agent into the breast, similar to a morphine drip in a hospital.
If you would prefer not to carry an external pump to manage your discomfort, discuss the possibility of a long-term pain management injection with your surgeon. A popular example of this is Exparel, which can be effective for up to five days. Your surgeon will confirm if you are eligible for this form of pain management.
Check in with your surgeon after a few days and discuss your pain levels. While it is unlikely that you will be completely devoid of discomfort at this stage, you may no longer need to rely upon prescription medications. Over-the-counter pain remedies such as Tylenol or Advil can be used at this stage, but check with a professional first. You may also wish to consider the use of muscle relaxants to manage any tightness and cramps you are experiencing.
Be aware that is not only your breasts that can experience pain in the immediate aftermath of augmentation surgery. Many clients also experience tightness around the back and shoulders as the body adjusts to the redistribution of weight caused by enlarging the breasts. Discuss some light stretching exercises with your surgeon to help keep this discomfort at bay.
Exercise and clothing
While managing the pain associated with breast augmentation with medication is important, do not rely exclusively on numbing and painkilling remedies. You will also need to ensure that you dress appropriately and do not push your body too far in terms of physical exercise.
Ensuring you have appropriate clothing to aid your recovery is critical. Underwired bras must be avoided for at least six weeks in the aftermath of breast augmentation, as these garments will place unwelcome and dangerous pressure on the surgical incisions.
Upon discharge, your surgeon should prescribe you a compression bra that will protect your incision dressings and ensure the implants do not move out of position. Your surgeon will confirm how long you should wear this garment, but it will likely be at least two weeks, and you'll need to wear the bra 24/7.
Once a compression bar is no longer required, a sports bra will provide the support you need. Always follow the advice of a professional when selecting the best undergarment. You will have plenty of time to enjoy your new body shape and make shopping decisions based on aesthetics – in the aftermath of surgery, focus exclusively on safety and practicality.
Whatever bra you are wearing, it should be clad under loose-fitting garments - and you will need to take it easy for a few days. Minimize any kind of physical activity for least three days, and then ease yourself back into movement gently. Several brisk walks per day will aid recovery within a week of your operation, but avoid high-intensity gym and cardio workouts until you are given the all-clear by your surgeon. If you push yourself too hard, too soon, you will place greater pressure on the incisions and experience more pain.
Pain will gradually subside more each day following augmentation and after a month you should stop noticing any pronounced pain and discomfort. Keep attending follow-up appointments with your surgeon, and eventually, you will be signed off and permitted to live your life as normal.
Benefits and drawbacks of breast augmentation surgery
Like every surgical procedure, breast augmentation surgery has pros and cons. If you are still considering whether this procedure is right for you, take these advantages and disadvantages under advisement.
Pros of breast augmentation
While breast augmentation is not a decision to take lightly, there are undoubtedly some advantages to undergoing this procedure. Reasons breast enlargement may enhance your life can include:
- Breast augmentation can bolster your personal confidence, helping you love the shape of your body and feel comfortable in your own skin. Whether genetics dictated that you were born with smaller breasts than you would prefer, you have lost shape and mass in your breasts following childbirth and breastfeeding, or a medical concern led to the removal of your breasts, augmentation can have a substantial positive impact on your self of self.
- Breast augmentation is wholly customizable, ensuring that you can choose how you wish to look following the procedure. Discuss your wishes in terms of size and shape with a surgeon and ensure that you are delighted with the outcome.
- A successful breast augmentation from a reputable surgeon should last for around ten years. This is long enough to make the surgery a worthwhile investment, while also affording the opportunity to adjust the size and shape of your augmentation as your body and lifestyle needs adjust with age.
Cons of breast augmentation
While breast augmentation has many advantages, there are also a handful of potential negative connotations that need to be considered. The downsides of breast augmentation should be discussed openly and honestly during a surgical consultation and can include the following.
- Not everybody is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Conduct a full risk assessment before agreeing to this operation, only proceeding if you are confident that your surgeon is being honest with you.
- Unless your breast augmentation is being conducted on medical grounds, the operation is unlikely to be covered by a medical insurance policy. Your bill could run anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000, depending on your choice of surgeon and location. Some nations offer cheaper cosmetic surgery, most notably those in Eastern Europe, but you must factor the expenses of travel and accommodation while you convalesce into your budget. You will not be able to fly home immediately after the procedure.
- Any surgery can involve complications, up to and including your body rejecting the implant, potentially delaying your recovery. You will automatically need to set some time aside to recover from your operation, and if the procedure is not wholly successful at the first time of asking, this will take longer than you may have anticipated.